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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i have the best roomie....

i do! it's great. :)

ani and i have been roomies for only about a week and it's reminded me that it can actually be pretty nice living with another human. if it's the right human that is.

they can be company when you get home...someone to make you tea when your sick...take turns making dinner or taking the garbage out...stuff like that.

today when i got home from work...ani wasn't home...but she had left me a little surprise. she had photo copied the picture of my faile piece i sold and blown it up huge...put it on my wall! what a sweet little surprise!!

sprry no pics...b/c i think my camera might be broken.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

home sick with the kyd family

still home sick..hanging with ani, sophie and charlie today. it was a nice sunny day so we had a little walk and coffee at jj beans. it was nice....but about all i could manage today.

tonight is the supernatural wrap party which i’ll be missing...oh well. nothing i can do about it.

charlie and sophie have been having a bit of a power struggle since sophie moved in....but they seem to be selling down now.....i hope. next week charlie starts her remedial training...hoping it helps.


Friday, April 25, 2008

fear of the unknown

lately i feel like i’ve been frozen a little. frozen a little by fear. fear of the unknown.

it seems i would prefer to stay in a place of stress and much so that it makes me fall sick.

what’s that about?? i have past...that there’s not much i’m afraid of. that’s not really true...not true at all. it comes up and it’s here now.

it’s time to release that fear...and move on...move on into my future.

i’m ready.


got the blues.....

sitting at home..still sick and upset i can't go out to either of the fun events going on in town tonight....

blues in the city and hardstock both tonight...both sure to be a blast...

since i can't be dancing the blues tonight thought i'd at least listen to some....gotta love big mama. :)


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

what's new....?

thought it was time to post again......lots and nothing has gone on in the last few weeks....

let's see...what’s new.....?

i got a roomie! a temporary one. that’s new...

ani’s bf rob...went to alberta to work on the oil rigs and they had to be out before may 1st...and couldn’t find a place so ani moved in with me for the month until she finds a place.

what else....?
i have a cold...that’s also new....

i’ll probably call in sick tomorrow. only a week or so left on the show...and i had a big blow out with diane a day or two off would suit me just fine right now.

that's probably other stuff...but that can wait 'till later.


Friday, April 18, 2008

no it's not japan...

it's london..

pretty funny


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

i feel some changes coming on.....

there are a few changes in my life.....that have been a long time in coming. the last few weeks has made me realize one has to happen very very soon....before i kill someone. lol


Monday, April 07, 2008

cherry blossoms and puppies.....

i was trying to find things today that help me take my stress away...and it seems like cherry blossoms, puppies and music seem do it the best...and dancing when i have energy to to it...which i don't right now.


Sunday, April 06, 2008

sorry no blogs today......

sorry i haven't been keeping up with the blog. i've just had a shitty two weeks with work and i've tired. need to recharge...
