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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


today the ipod...didn't help. my day was past that. the show only has 3 episodes left and all hell is breaking loose. thier infinite wisdom...thought it would be good to shoot 2 episodes simultaneously. fun.

i need hug.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

where would we be...without?

back to the grind today. my cold is still clinging on for dear life...but i felt pretty good all and all.

for some stupid reason i haven’t been using my ipod while in the mall lately. i don’t know why. it makes my day so So SO much better!! so...anyway..i used it today. the best part of it...other than the music of course.... is i can pretend not it hear the store keepers....they see the ipod and nod....:) :) really well!

i personally think that the ipod and itunes are two of the best inventions of the last decade. i guess i would be fine with out them...but it just make music so much more accessible.

it’s amazing to me sometimes when i think about how much music effects my i feel about my life. the first thing i do..before anything when i get home...turn on my itunes....


Monday, February 26, 2007

getting the job done...still...

sometimes i think going to work is easier than dealing with real life. with certain things at my paper work mess. going to work is so mindless in so many ways. i’ve done it all a million times and i can practically do it in my sleep. that’s one of the reasons i like my job and also one of the reasons i believe it’s time to move on. sometimes i think that’s how i have been dealing with my life for the last not. by being too busy to deal. well...i’m trying not to do that anymore...and that’s good.

i was off today..which was good b/c i had more of that paperwork stuff to do and this cold is still hanging on. funny how when you start doing something you find more and more and more stuff that needs attention. it’s like a never ending jumble of stuff. you finish one...then another thing rears it’s ugly little head. wonder i’ve been avoiding it!

i allowed myself a little r&r today though. watched another movie. i’m on a virtual movie binge...three movies in three nights. this time it was the departed..which won the oscar last night. it shouldn’t way. little miss sunshine was a far better movie. oh well....that’s the movie bizz for you. who needs a plot anyway...when you have a name, some guns, some bad accents and a hollywood formula?!


Sunday, February 25, 2007

sunday yummy sunday...

this morning i awoke and seemed to have a bit of that cold hanging on. so i went back to sleep for awhile...i needed i think.

once i finally draged my ass out of bed i headed for a coffee...did a couple of errands....then went back home to watch another movie. this time it was “little miss sunshine” which is great by the it.

this evening i had dinner with garbs and mishi...we went to gyoza king. it was pretty yummy....then we had ice cream at mondo..where i eat REAL ice cream! there may be pain tomorrow...hopefully not. it was a nice time..i like that place and it's always great hanging out with those two.

mishi thought this pic was pretty i put it on even though it's a bit dark

my fantastic new network sized bag and change purse that garbs made...


getting the job done...

well...i finished one year of my taxes today! i don’t owe a crap load of money...which is surprising. it was the year i got in a car accident and didn't work for 6 months. so i’m off the hook. just owe a bit in gst! still have two more years to catch up on, but oh‘s a start. the other ones are at the bookkeepers.

i treated myself afterwards by having a nice relaxing coffee at the paper. it turns out i had another odd myspace encounter at prado the other day. i might write about that another day though.

after that i rented a movie....hollywood land. not bad. i had a hard time staying awake, maybe it wasn't that good! then later it was off to dancing.

i’m tired...still getting over this cold so i think an early night is in order.


Friday, February 23, 2007

the network fills her day...

i had a great day off today. it was a gorgeous gorgeous outside...clear and cold. i woke up late and slowly...which is always awesome!! i love it!

got dressed then called ani to see if she had time to meet for tea. she did and we decided to meet at the union market. somewhere i hadn't been in years. i use to go there with sean when we had the garden in strathconna gardens. they have great coffee and snacks and good corn bread. it was the perfect day to sit out side and chat....

sophie stays warm in ani's coat....

after that i went to go see garbs and mishi at the pickle. garbs is making me a jojo sized glitter vinyl bag in red and a chain purse in blue. they gonna look great! can’t wait. so i hung out there for a bit...had more coffee. i bought myself some yummy lamb....which i’m cooking right now. also got some nice wine to have with it ...and a movie that ani recommended ..a scanner darkly. i’ll let you know how it is. ’m ready for my date with jojo. oh i have chocolate? chocolate! got worried there for a minute!

i took this pics at granville shows you how concrete is made....i thought it was cool


yesterday's ze...

yesterday's zefrank was a good was about fear...


Thursday, February 22, 2007

your lack planning doesn’t constitute it an emergency for me...

....not sure if that’s how the saying goes. but i should have had that taped to my forehead today at work!! that’s film for sure...
today pretty much sucked.

..the first 3/4 anyway.
as soon as i got off work it got peachy. i met anne for a bite and a quick drink. she went dancing and i came home. i didn’t want to dance tonight b/c i’m getting over a cold. so now i’m doing some relaxing at home and i’m off tomorrow and monday!! i need it...

tomorrow...i'm going to go see a man about a bag!


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

a different form of connection....

i have a bunch of blog, msn and myspace buddies and it seems to be growing all the time...

i have one friend i’ve been talking to almost daily on msn for a about 1 1/2 years....we have only meet in person about 4 or 5 times...he calls himself a’s a different form of friendship ..but i do consider him a friend never the less.

some of my internet buddies i have never meet.....we just send messages on each others blogs and myspace every now and again...mostly friends of friends. one that i don’t even know her real name or what city she lives in.... odd. i guess.

i have two new friends...i met in real life first... because i recognised from someone else's blog at an art opening...and just started talking to them...

i first went on myspace b/c alot of dancers are on it and it was a way to keep in touch with ones you meet at exchanges out of well as keep informed about upcoming events. it’s works really well for that...but the way i use it has expanded for sure.

i almost feel like it’s become my tv. when i want to relax at home and do nothing...i turn my computer on....catch up with people...

it may be an odd way of connecting with people...but is a way....

* my apologises for the poor writing skills tonight...i'm pretty tired. might have to edit later....


nothing happened to day...

i have nothing to say was kinda uneventful....which i think i need for a bit.

so since in have nothing to say..thought i'd pass on cool blog to check out...


Monday, February 19, 2007

monday's and dates....

not unlike any other vancouver monday i suppose. rainy. i was tired. work was pretty busy. tomorrow will be busier...

so how did this one difffer from all the rest? i don’t know? i think i felt a glimmer of hope... hope for the future. light at the end of all this crap. perhaps.....

i thought i might be sad today b/c it was a date i had in my mind that seemed important. it is important to me....and i wouldn’t take it back for the world.

hope everyone had a good monday...


Sunday, February 18, 2007

rockin out and skunky beer...

i’ve been rocking out a bit lately....since thursday night actually. i have seen about 7 bands! holy crap! no wonder i’m tired.

thursday was sparklehorse which i already told you about. friday night i went to the anza club to see a friend’s band the cadaver dogs. they were playing with the furios and some other bands. omg i haven't been to the anza in years. now i know why. that place is a dive and the beer is some skunky. i had a bad headache the next day after just a few beers. the bands rocked though...the last time i saw the fuios they were called los furios. i also realised as i watched them that saw them alone last time as well. not sure why it’s so hard to fine people to go see bands. i think i need a band buddy.

the cadaver dogs rockin it hard....

last night i went with oliver and terin to see some bands at the railway club. they are friends with the guys in dreadnoughts...a celtic punk band and headwater played as well...sorta bluegrass rock. both bands were awesome....even if the guys in the band look 12! oh man that makes me feel old! there were two other bands as well...but they weren’t so hung in the back for most of them.

it was a fun night but i drank a little too much cidar....two day in a row hangover...eekkk. tonight it’s staying in and take out food....for sure.

rockin the railway...

happy chinese new year! year o the pig...onk onk!


Saturday, February 17, 2007

something to think about...

do you think it’s possible to be so afraid of something...that you actually will it to happen? the very thing you are afraid of...

sometimes i think i might do that....


noone said this was going to be easy...

i tried to write this last night...but fucked it up. so now i’m trying again....

when sean and i split up i lost almost all my friends. it stared slowly but ultimately that’s want happened. i stopped getting invited to things dinners...parties etc. it hurt and it still hurts when i think of it.

i really don’t want the same thing to happen i just want to say....

just b/c garn and i have split up... doesn't mean i don’t want to be invited to stuff.
i’m starting to feel a little excluded from things right now. i don’t know if that true or not...but that’s how it feels. i haven’t been invited to diner with anyone for what seems like ages....although it probably isn’t. and yes..i might what to go to the odd party or two...maybe i might meet someone new there...who knows.

i want people to know that i didn’t write this to make anyone feel bad and if it does then i’m sorry. i just want to nip something in the bud before ot gets so far that there is no turning back.


garn smiles....!

thank you k-win!



Friday, February 16, 2007

sparklehorse pics

i might not say much tonight. i'm very tired...think i spent all my energy last night holding myself together. but i did manage it.

here are some awesome pics that garnet took....

sparklehorse was awesome...they sounded even better live!

this one is unbelievable and somehow quite fitting...


Thursday, February 15, 2007

something hard...

so it looks like i might have to do something hard tonight. something i really don't want to do. i guess i don't HAVE to....but it has to happen sometime i suppose. it's bad timing for sure...there is no doubt of that. i haven't been that strong lately....but here i go. i may not have to do it alone...hopefully i don't.

wish me luck. i need it.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

what now? just add it to the list..

so today i go to the doctor's to get a referral for the weird rash that i have had for many months. i thought..well...since i'm here i'll ask him about this mole that has grown seemingly overnight on my chin. he looks at it and say's "that's one angry mole!" we better take it off!

so he burnt it off and now i'm gonna have a nice little blister on my face for the next few weeks! great. just great.

what next....bring it on!! i'm friggin ready!


happy valentine's day everyone!

ok so...i made up this valentine's day challenge right? so i guess that means i have to write something to somebody. i mean it would be kinda stupid if inspire others...but not do it myself.

so i though who the hell can i write?? i thought about it for awhile...then i it came to me. i decided to write someone who unintentionally changed my life three years ago. darren.

darren owns jungle swing. he offers swing dancing classes and workshops. he also runs our thursday and saturday night dance.

this the story...for those of you who haven’t heard it....

three years ago i had just moved out on my own and was also over coming a back injury. my doctor wanted me to take yoga or palates for my back. so i looked in the georgia straight for a yoga class. as most of you know i hate yoga. i have tried it many times...and it just never’s just WAY too boring. but i thought....what the will be good for me. so i find an add for 7th avenue studios...and i email the guy for schedules etc...

he emails me back with the schedules for yoga and palates...then way at the bottom as a side say’s.....

“we will also be starting our swing dancing classes again.....”

SWING DANCING!....that sounds WAY better than yoga!!

so i messaged him back and said. hey....fuck the yoga (ok i didn’t say that...but i thought it!)...swing dancing sounds way more fun!

that was it. went to my first class and i was hooked!!!!...and it has changed my life! i remember before i started dancing..i almost never smiled. then when i started...i could not stop smiling...i smiled so much my checks would hurt!

thanks darren.....just wanted you to know how you changed my life....and made it better!

happy valentine's day everyone! j.oooxxx


Monday, February 12, 2007

i have to say....

....the last few weeks have been really rough for me.

it seems there has been just too much thrown at me all at once...and it’s taking it’s toll. i get home and i just can’t do anything. tired from the stress of it my back has been killing me. i have three big things that i’m dealing with all at once...then a few little things as well added to the mix for good measure. i can deal with a lot....i have in the past for sure....but this really doe’s seem like too much right now. i just don’t even know where to start to deal with it all. i know it will probably all work out in time.....i just want it all to be done now....or at least one thing done. that would be good.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

this song is how if feel today....

i don't know if any of you are familiar with the song "staralfur" by sigur ros. i like playing that song super loud. it's almost like if i play it loud enough i can get it under my skin and into my body's hard to explain. today i played it a few times in a's like i just couldn't get enough of it. the song just seems to put into music exactly how i feel. the funny thing is....i don't even know what the lyrics mean. i don't think i want to..that might change it for me.

that's a band i would love to see live...


Saturday, February 10, 2007

valentine's day challenge!

ok...i’m trying to go out dancing..i am. i just can’t seem to get off my ass....

anyway i wanted to do a valentines post. i know it’s not ‘till wednesday ...but it’s been on my mind i guess. third dry valentines in a row for me. this is for all you guys (and gals too i guess) that think valentines is bullshit hallmark holiday.

Saint Valentine of Rome - I
According to one very popular legend, Valentine was a priest in Rome who lived during the reign of Emperor Clouds II. Under his regime, Clouds is said to have engaged Rome into several bloody battles. To strengthen his army, the Emperor continuously needed to recruit soldiers. However, Clouds found that not many soldiers were keen to join the army because of attachment with their wives and families. In order to sever the bond of attachment, Clouds cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome. Valentine - a romantic at heart priest, defied this callous decree of Claudius by secretly arranging marriages of young men and women. When Valentine's defiance was discovered by the Emperor, he was brutally beaten up and put to death on February 14, about 270 AD.

For his martyrdom and dedication for the cause Valentine was name a Saint after his death. By Middle Ages, Saint Valentine became popular as the patron saint of love and lovers in England and France to the extent that Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as Valentine's Day on 498 AD and put an end to pagan celebrations. Thus, Saint Valentine's martyrdom day became an occasion to celebrate love.

i don’t know if the legend is true..there are a few of them on the net...but this one i have heard before....and it’s WAY before hallmark. besides if that’s your excuse...then make a card or just write a simple note to show you care.

this is my challenge ....write a card, letter, note, email or text to someone you care about on valentines day...saying so. if you don’t have a gf/bf...send one to a friend you care about....

this is my contribution to romance.....just cause i ain’t getting any..doesn’t mean i don’t want others to. who knows maybe it will make someone happy!



i wouldn't want this job...but i guess someone has to do it.

here is a link of simon being interviewed on frontline...

it's's a hour only watch it if you have time. it was hard to hear...i had to use headphones...


Friday, February 09, 2007

shit week..

man it was a shit week! super busy at work. i have a feeling it's going to be like this from now 'till the end of the show. christ.'s the weekend now. i'm meeting lucky later for drinks. it's his last night. i was suppose to go dancing...but i bailed b/c i'm so damn tired!

big thank you to garn for helping me with my tax stuff last that guy can sort out receipts like nobodies business!

i owe you...i owe you big time!


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

perfecting procrastination...

i think i’m quite accomplished when it come to procrastination....

take a look at what zefrank has to say on the subject..i think we can all relate...

here's what i did when i was procrastinating about doing taxe stuff the other day....
i had to reload all my itunes library b/c it was giving me trouble. now i have all this music playing that i haven’t heard in ages!

*it’s like my shuffle was always playing the same songs over and over again! wow...i have some great music on here!

*hey that could just be an analogy for something. hmmm...another blog i suppose...


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

biscut tin banjo...

here's a pic of oliver and terin from last nights sing-a-long

this is oliver's biscut tin bonjo..i thought it was pretty cool. he made it along with other homemade instruments for his newly formed skiffle band.

you can check it out at;


right place at the right time...

i bumped into a friend of mine...patrick jj’s beans getting a coffee, yesterday afternoon.

it was a busy day at work and i wasn’t going to stop. then i thought..what the heck..i have the time. so i stopped. i saw patrick.

he was so happy to see me he kissed me!

patrick “what ya doing these days”

jojo “same old thing... buying for supernatural

patrick “want to design a feature?”

jojo “yes”

patrick “good..i need someone”

jojo “great..i’ll do it”

so that’s how it happened. look like i have another design offer in the works! this one is a period 50’s about errol flyn...and a feature!! i’m pretty excited! it feels right and i’m ready.

it’s weird how the world works..when you let it...


strength of character...

a saying you just don’t hear...

i was going to write about something else...but changed my mind.

someone i know...not very well...but getting to know better i hope. displayed extreme strength of character tonight. a rare thing these days for sure....but it does exist and i had proof of that tonight. it made me feel good to see it.

thanks. jox


Sunday, February 04, 2007

positive and negative forces

the first few full moons of the year have been crazy ones...the kinda moons where only really good or really bad things happen...nothing inbetween. anyway the full moon was tuesday (i think)..but i still feel the effects.

other than me having many a panic attack regarding paper work...what else happened??

this weekend at dancing some guy wigged out and darren wasn’t there...his dog is sick and he’s the only one strong enough to physically kick anyone out! it all turned out fine though the guy left on his own...but it seemed dicey at first.

then sean texts me saying he is in the hospital with pneumonia! sean NEVER gets sick..that was weird. hope he’s ok.

well...i think that’s it. had some positives as a new friend for a bit..hopefully that can tun into a friendship. i’ve met lots of great new people lately and that’s amazing. i hope that continues.

oh and simon was off to afghanistan day report for the mighty british empire. he forgot to tell us how long he's gone for. hope he is safe

tomorrow i get some well deserved stress relief at the sing a long...that will be fun. can’t wait.


Saturday, February 03, 2007


i’m still in paperwork hell! i had a little meltdown today when the bookkeeper i was hoping would help me called and said she couldn’t do it! crap.

i almost started crying right there on the phone. any one knows a bookkeeper...or even just someone who’s good at paperwork....i need them!!!


Friday, February 02, 2007

different perspectives...

there is a girl at dancing that is pregnant...she is due june 10th. the same day tessah was due. she talks to me about it. she knows nothing of tessah...i won’t tell her. i don’t want to scare the poor girl. not good to scare pregnant women.

she talks to me like woman’s normal. tonight she wanted to show me the ultra sound. she was very excited. i looked at it politely... it was hard. i pretended it didn’t bother me....but it could it not. i think of tessah’s ultra sound...i remember seeing her...moving her tiny heart beating. it made me happy.

it’s funny how you never really know what’s going threw people’s minds when you speak with them. how a simple conversation for one can be a painful experience for another....


Thursday, February 01, 2007

who's rights are more important??

this is a local news story that has been on my mind a lot lately...

i don't know what makes me more angry...the fucked up religious right. the fact that the parents are stupid, selfish and hypocritical enough to have sextuplets at all. i'm sorry but it had to have been medically induced fertilisation and they were apparently offered the chance to "edit" the pregnancy to a healthier number.

what about the right for a child to live a healthy "normal" life...which none of those kids have a chance of. i think the only smart ones here are the two little souls who decided this is the shit..let's go back to's way cooler there!

i could go on....but i won' makes me too angry and upset to comment any more!!
read these articles and decide for yourself. i know what i think.


about art..

i liked what zefrank had to say today about art.

check it out...
