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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

happy valentine's day everyone!

ok so...i made up this valentine's day challenge right? so i guess that means i have to write something to somebody. i mean it would be kinda stupid if inspire others...but not do it myself.

so i though who the hell can i write?? i thought about it for awhile...then i it came to me. i decided to write someone who unintentionally changed my life three years ago. darren.

darren owns jungle swing. he offers swing dancing classes and workshops. he also runs our thursday and saturday night dance.

this the story...for those of you who haven’t heard it....

three years ago i had just moved out on my own and was also over coming a back injury. my doctor wanted me to take yoga or palates for my back. so i looked in the georgia straight for a yoga class. as most of you know i hate yoga. i have tried it many times...and it just never’s just WAY too boring. but i thought....what the will be good for me. so i find an add for 7th avenue studios...and i email the guy for schedules etc...

he emails me back with the schedules for yoga and palates...then way at the bottom as a side say’s.....

“we will also be starting our swing dancing classes again.....”

SWING DANCING!....that sounds WAY better than yoga!!

so i messaged him back and said. hey....fuck the yoga (ok i didn’t say that...but i thought it!)...swing dancing sounds way more fun!

that was it. went to my first class and i was hooked!!!!...and it has changed my life! i remember before i started dancing..i almost never smiled. then when i started...i could not stop smiling...i smiled so much my checks would hurt!

thanks darren.....just wanted you to know how you changed my life....and made it better!

happy valentine's day everyone! j.oooxxx


1 comment:

Lulu said...

Happy Valentine's day!!!
(I've already made my Valentine's post)
Take care and have fun!