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Monday, March 31, 2008

more art vids...

Banksy DFace Blek Le Rat Faile Logan Hicks Swoon Mantis Obey Cyclops Beejoir Matt Small.....


Sunday, March 30, 2008

happy birthday mum...


yep it's mum's birthday today. she's recently back from yet another trip to the uk to sort out grandpa's stuff.

sounded like she had a nice dinner tonight with dad, peter and adain. sorry i couldn't have been there....this country is too darn big.


Monday, March 24, 2008

just in case you didn't hear.....

i have wanted a mini for years...but could never get one...b/c of my job. now.....they have a station wagan! the clubman.....

it comes in all kinds of pretty colours.....

i want one....

i actually figured it out that i'd save money if i got ride of the element and got one of these...even the top model! just need to figure out if there is indeed enough space for all the shit i have to buy on the show. i'm considering going over to yaletown mini on a work day and just trying to put all the crap in and see how it goes!! hehehe they'd love that!


Friday, March 21, 2008

Barry McGee & Margaret Kilgallen ||| Art:2


i love chocolate bunnies!

sorry i having posted much this week.....

i’ve been busy...tired...fighting either a cold or allergies or both. now i have a three day weekend!! whooo hooo

on the agenda for the weekend.....

surfing ebay looking to replace a few broken dishes and a tea pit lid...which i actually already found this morning!! what are the chances of finding a tea pot lid on ebay? and or doggie walks with various friends

...a little grosery shopping and apt cleaning

.....saturday sincity...maybe.

family dinner with the kyds sunday. yummmmm

and of course....chocolate bunnies! happy easter weekend everyone!!


Monday, March 17, 2008

where’s the shame in it?

when did it get so fashionable to be ok with being lonely? isn’t it a natural human desire to have a mate and partner? therefore natural to feel loneliness when with out one........



people seem to think us who can’t seem...for one reason or other....find our mate....that we should just be doing fine....not a care in the world. somehow there’s something wrong with you if your not ok with that.....if you are actaully lonely. ?

what are you complaining about? .......meanwhile those people have a human body to crawl into bed with at night...not just 4 legged furry one.

it makes no sense to me and i’m not gonna feel ashamed b/c i feel loneliness. i don’t need your pity....but i would like to say...yes....i want a mate...i want to feel love. fuck, doesn’t everyone??? (i'm such a romantic ;) hehe.


sometimes you just have to break down and cry.....

that’s just do.

sometimes all the best intentions and positive thoughts....go to shit...and that’s just all you can do.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

happy st patty's day.....

happy st patty's day everyone....

may the luck of the irish be with you all day long!! i'm heading to bed to sleep and try and shake this cold before it turns nasty....night night.


more on this...


art for change.....


i thought this was cool....

sitting at home on the verge of maybe getting sick...surfing the net...


Friday, March 14, 2008

it harder than it seems....

the last two days i lost it!

i was doing so well....but i lost it!! i drove soooo much today in friday afternoon traffic that i couldn't help but feel the stress. 2.5 hours to pick up a few ties at harry rosen and bring 'em back to the office...then go back out. lunch at 4pm....eekkkk over it's friday. i have a glass of wine and a puppy on my lap...happy thoughts and an early night.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

momentary lapses are ok

still working on the positive thinking thing. it’s working pretty far. i had a little lapse in jacob today...but it was momentary. even the little bit of rain in the last few days hasn’t dampened my spirits!

how long am i suppose to keep it up again? oh ya....all my life!? oh boy. ok that might be a tricky. lol

apparently at some point it's suppose to feel natural...reprogramming the brain.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

the power of positive thinking....

i’ve been thinking about this alot lately...and today a film ani, rob and i saw today called “you can heal your life”...reminded me of that.

i’ve been scanning threw old blog posts to figure out were my negative thinking started to become more of a pattern for me....or more importantly what changes i have i made lately last few weeks in fact.... to make myself feel happier and like vancouver alot better.

1. the’s been much more sunny....which enables me to be positive much more easily. i've noticed a pattern where i hate vancouver in the it in the summer.

2. excersice....going to the gym and dancing more....makes me feel better about myself and gives me more energy...which in turn makes me feel more positive about things.

3. possibility of change.....making things happen and having ideas on how to change things i’m not happy with in my life. the art auction was one thing that kinda woke me up to realize i have the potential for many things in this life.



i feel like all weekend i was waiting around for something to happen. something....not sure what...that never did. just one of those weekends i suppose.

a least ani and rob negotiations went well....they seem to work things out.....


Saturday, March 08, 2008

odd far

saturday night and i’m sitting at home watching iron chef having a glass or wine...instead of dancing in portland. it’s ok...somethings are just more important i guess.

rob and ani broke up i never did find anyone to carpool i decided to stay home and take care of ani. like she has done many times for me.

she stayed over late night and we had some gal time. right now she’s over talking to rob...hopefully they work it all out. if not...guess i have a roomy for a bit. that’s ok...she’s a great cook! hehe ;)

the other day i told you that i got a gift of a vintage harness for charlie....well today i noticed that there was this odd brass piece with on one end a little screw. couldn’t figure out what it might be. so i showed ani and she said, "it opens....i bet a dog info is inside...."

so we opened it up and indeed there was. i guess the harness use to belong to a little doggie named “pepi” ...i think that's kinda cool.


Friday, March 07, 2008

the road trip gods just weren't smiling on me today...

looks like the gods just didn't want me to go to portland this weekend.....

more later


Thursday, March 06, 2008

portland bound....or not?

trying to get to portland this weekend for the lindy exchange......but i’m having trouble finding someone to car pool with. so between the cost of the gas and driving for 5hrs alone after a 12hr day...not sure if it’s gonna happen.

i’ll be bummed if it doesn’t....only happens every second year and been looking forward to it....

i’ll keep ya posted.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

perfect day of freedom

wanted to make today a relaxing day...and did.

started it off with a lovely chat and coffee with ian who i hadn’t seen in quite a while...then tea and a chat with ani and sophie.....ending it with a nice doggie walk with another friend grant and his doggie pixie. omg...that dog is so cute! terrier x chihuahua....maybe....he’s not sure. charlie is completely flaked out now.

here she is modelling the lovely vintage harness grant gave fits her perfectly! :)



this is freaky!


last day of freedom....

oh boy...back to work tomorrow....getting up at the crack of dawn..eeekkk


Sunday, March 02, 2008

more party pics....

ani eats...

garn and shauna

the party circle.... i have to clean up!


Saturday, March 01, 2008

pink champagne..margaritas and collaborative lasagne

last night i had my little art auction dinner party celebration...i invited the people that helped me most with the art sale and also helped me out in my few broke months! it was really a nice party. the ani/jojo collaborative lasagne worked out pretty darn good! although my tummy is complaining from the wheat and dairy feast...not the mention the wine, margaritas and pink champagne!! we poped the vintage bottle that simon got me last year from was very nice...thanks si!

....and thanks to everyone that came to help me celebrate!

dan pouring the champagne...

two sexy gals....ani and rebecca
