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Saturday, March 31, 2007


yesterday was mum's 77th (that's a pretty good number!)...she's in england right now visiting her 99year old dad (another good number) she probably won't see this. maybe dad can pass it on.

mum's always the first on the dance floor...even in her 70's. guess i inherited some of that!

mum...where's your shoes?!

mum sitting down...very uncharacteristic!

anyway...hope you had a good one! love jojoxx


blessing or a curse?

today i read an article about a study done on mind wondering. they did a study at UBC...they gave a bunch of students war and peace to read...ok...maybe that was their first mistake! they should have given them a more interesting book...not so heavy!

anyway.... apparently the test subjects were not thinking about what they’re doing about 30% of the time. 30%...that’s it? for me i think that percentage is just a little higher...;) ok, alot higher..... especially when i’m working. i would say about 60% of the time i’m thinking about something or many other things. gets me into trouble from time to time. garn couldn’t stand it i know that. i got into a little fender bender with a dump truck b/c of it once...that wasn’t so good. most of the time i just miss exits...things like that.

i try to be more zen and concentrate on one thing and one thing alone. i read a book about that once. it just doesn't work for me. japanese people are good at that...they are trained from a young age. but then they have a hard time multi tasking and creative thought...thinking out side of the box and problem solving. i personally think it’s a talent i have developed over time to get me through life's boring or tough times. things like driving in traffic, standing in lines, mindless jobs or people who talk excessively about boring subjects. it get me through them without out too much effort.

if you care to read more on the subject;,5_WA20_wandering.article


yes i am!

i saw a friend at dancing last night i hadn't seen in awhile. his name is dave and he lives in victoria.

dave: ”are you having fun?”

me: “i just got here”

dave: “i meant...yeah your life”

i was a little surprised....had to think about it of a second....
i smile...

me "yeah...know what...yes i am!!"


Thursday, March 29, 2007

this post is almost the same as last nights!

i just realised that...sorry. guess life can't be interesting everyday!

working hard today down at the salt mines but at least i had a great stress reliever dancing afterwards. didn't go for long but it was all i needed.

aaron's band... blue morris played and they had a tv crew there filming. i avoided the cameras...

i was suppose to meet a friend for a beer at granview (bowling) lanes...which is literally right next door to were i dance. just to say hi and have a quick drink....but i guess not enough of her group showed up so the bowling night was a bust...oh well. we will get together another time.

oh yeah...i didn't get my first choice of company it's.."network productions inc". it's good...not quite as good...but i think it's ok.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

wrapping it up...

we started our last episode yesterday and are already feverishly wrapping it up. i really hate wrap...more than anything!

i've been in a dust pit organising clothing for a few days...with many more it go...weeks more! man it's alot of work....way more than my usual job. other departments always seem to have such an easy wrap...i can never understand it. we slog away. we must be doing something wrong. i have find out i don't make the same mistakes when i'm a designer!

tomorrow night is dancing again...thank the lord..i need it! meeting a new friend for a beer first...another new friend! i told you...i'm on a roll!!


Tuesday, March 27, 2007


i have meet many new friends’s strange b/c i often find it hard to meet people in vancouver....then all of a sudden....bang! i’m meeting people left right and centre! good people...great people....people i like and connect with! amazing....

for some reason i feel it all started that night i went to that art retrospective at the jem**. everyone cancelled on me...but i decided to go alone and i’m sooo glad i did! i meet two awesome people that night...then later others that were kinda offshoots from a snow ball rolling down a hill!

when i think about how and why i met the important people in my life, often there seems to be a twist of fate involved...which is awesome...i love fate! i like thinking about all the events and decisions that had to come into play for all those little stones to fall just the right you end up bumping into each other!

here's to fate!!


edit** actually now that i think of started long before that...but it seemed to speed up since the jem.

Monday, March 26, 2007

new name...

i have to dissolve my company and start and new one...for tax/divorce reasons.

my last company was named after tessah. i was going to name it almost the same name. then i thought...why not have a brand new name? for a brand new chapter in my life.....

so here it is...if i get it. garnet is partly responsible b/c of the nick name he gave me....

network design inc.

i think it's good...


Sunday, March 25, 2007

has spring sprung?

daisy is pretty happy with all the mud today at trout lake...

it was a beautiful day looked like spring has sprung. i woke up pretty energetic considering i went to bed at 2:30am. i think it's all the vitamins this new doctor has me on. anyhow i met brent and his friends for breaky at the kings head in kits then made a quick stop to drop off and pick something at the pickle. wow...granville island was crazy! i had to park illegally then just run in.

after that i took the doggies for a little walk at trout was great..muddy...but great. daisy loves the mud so she was happy and kimba was just trying to hump every dog he could...guess he has spring fever. some dog owners don't take to kindly to that kind of behaviour. they get all mad at you. they're dogs...who cares. he's fixed...wants the big deal.?! it's kinda funny really...


Saturday, March 24, 2007

my new friend is crazy....

...and that’s cool with me. in fact it’s more than's absolutely fantastic! ;-)

yesterday ani and i went out and interviewed people on the worse corner in north america...main and hastings....ani’s neighbourhood. she wanted to do it for a contest...i think it’s for a possible job opportunely actually ...ya know the guy that goes around and does silly interviews with people on the street.

anyway, she needed someone to hold the camera....i gladly volunteered. it was pouring rain..but i thought what the heck...i have wellies!

she interviewed on drunk guy who wanted smokes, a homeless women, a guy who just got out of jail and a well spoken native guy all from the ‘hood.

it was fun....i think we might do it again. perhaps next time in a better neighbourhood.

it’s stuff like that, that inspires me to do some of the stuff i wanna do. today i went to meet with the producer and director of the short film i’ll be designing. i figure...i just have to start doing it...and i am

i will post the videos here. ani's just having a few technical difficulties sending them...

oh...i almost forgot rent "the man who sued god" w/ billy connolley inspiring and funny!


Friday, March 23, 2007

rain outside....sunshine inside.

a lot of people are having an hard time with this rain....i’m trying to stay postive...but yeah it’s hard.

mishi gave me these flowers..they had lots down at granville isl...brightens things up! thanks mish

mishi brightens up the pickle with some flowers in aluminum vases garn made for her years ago..i think they look great...

garbs tries to brighten his mood with a wasn't really working...oh well.



i have airmile points.... ;)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

st louis blues

the st louis blues thing is coming up soon and they just put some videos up on you tube...

people are asking me what blues is...well here's a taste...

the video's a poor quaity...but it give you the idea. this one is in an outside bar..under the lights of busch stadium

makes me want to go again...

i just rememebered..i dreamt i was blues dancing last night....


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

one more episode to go!

show’s almost over. i’m glad of that...i’m tired and i have stuff i want to do! always at this point...i just want it to be over...that’s all. none of this endless wrap....ekkk

i’m inspired right now...inspired to do other things...

i will design a few idie things..that will be good. i have an inspiration to write something maybe...we shall see. would like to take some small trips...maybe a road trip with a friend to portland or san fran..that would be good. maybe a visit to TO. i’m forgoing the bigger trips b/c of other things i have to deal with in my life...but i’m getting there. it all has to be done by the time i go back to work. oh..and i want to take motorcycle lessons and go skydiving again!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

it's spring in ireland already...

so mum filled me in all the mis info i had in yesterday blog. that's ok....i got enough of it right that i'm not going to edit...let's just say it's a very irish tale...

happy starts in about 1.5 hrs or so...


Monday, March 19, 2007

13 sisters. for all the stong women i know...

i wanted to write this on the weekend but it just got too crazy and i needed a quiet moment to collect my thoughts...

i don’t know the whole story...just bits and pieces that have been told to me here and if i get any wrong...oh’s a irish it doesn’t matter! hehe

there were 13 lynch sisters grandmother winifred being one of them. one of the younger ones and one boy...thomas...who was killed at the age of 16 by an ira attack (of which he was a supporter) i believe the ambulance he was in was inadvertently bombed on the way to the hospital .... something like that.

anyway that left the 13 sisters ...all crazy lynchs and two parents in somewhere in county cork.

many of them took jobs as beauticians to make ends meet as well help out with the war effort as well (WW1) grandmother decided she wanted to help out...lied about her age and said she could drive...when she couldn’t. drove some poor frightened general around backwards. grandma also had a thing about lying about her age. she was ten years or more older (noone knows) than my grandpa. she said her birth certificate got destroyed in he war. i think grandpa found out her age when she died but true to her wishes and not put it on her grave stone...i thought that was kinda romantic...

when the younger lynch women got older...many of them decided to find fame and fortune in london where they wanted to star on the big screen....i guess that must have been the 30’s when motion pictures were just becoming the thing...

mum and grandma were extras in cleopatra in 1934...mum would have been 4..that was the beginning and end of her film carreer...oh well...

i wish i could have known and meet more of the sisters....i only remember grandma, babs, theresa and jerry.

if i remember correctly jerry was the kind of woman that even though older was incredibly beautiful...the kind of women when you meet her you she looks like that now...she must have been unbelievably stunning when young.

theresa. theresa...i have to say...was my personal favourite. sorry grandma....but what a woman. super bubbly and upbeat and funny even in her 90’s after raising two children as a single mother (in those days it wasn’t done)... and out living them both...which was sad. she was a bit of a nutter as well. apparently she use to leave aptments with out paying her rent....not when she was young...but in her 70’s. and joined religious groups mainly for the parties! i remember the last time i saw her...she was in her late 90’s...she was so funny....she said “ i don’t have any tea...but i have gin! “ as she pulls a bottle from under the bed....too funny.

the odd thing was theresa died on my birthday...and tessah was due on my birthday. i named tessah after just seemed right.

babs i didn’t really see eye to eye the few times i met her. she was a little hard to get along with....tough lady. the youngest of 14....couldn’t have been easy i guess. i think we would have gotten on later if had the chance. she died at the age of 99...the last of the lynch women...sad really. we had reunion a party for her on her 100th was fun met many cousins i had never or rarely met...and played irish tunes...and end of era...but hopefully there is still a little in us...mum and me...katharina...jooles and eli...

and all the strong women in my life....


Sunday, March 18, 2007

st pat’s day weekend

i was actually had an idea for special st pat's day blog...but could seem to get into it today..maybe i'll do it later in the week...we will see...

it was a busy weekend for sure being st pat’s day weekend.

saturday night i headed to the media club with ani to see the dreadnaughts and the furious....both awesome bands. i now know why i usually see bands at the railway....b/c i don’t feel like such an old lady there! the crowd was young and drunk. ani saw some friends she hadn’t seen in 6 years so that as cool...and her cousin. oliver and terin met us there later...they’re buddies with one of the bands. it was a fun night...regarless of the fact i felt like i was chaperoning some high school event!

before the band ani and i went for a tea and bumped into some kilted firemen with bag pipes...drums and horns...we had to stop drool for a bit!

Sunday was pretty low key...went to visit mishi and garbs at the pickle...then hung out with garbs for awhile. we went to zulu and then checked out the celtic day celebrations on granville st.

celtic retarded is that. they didn't want to call it st patty’s day for fear of offending the other celtic communities!!! that’s sooo friggin’ vancouver....

anyway...all in all i have to say it was a very nice weekend and looks like spring might finally be here...

now the real news..i’m cooking steak! see how that goes..the cooking and the eating!


Saturday, March 17, 2007

allergy update...

mum and dad noticed this right away...not sure if others did or; my allergy test

it seems my dairy and beef allergies are gone! do a little dance...make a little some cheese!!!

yes..that’s pretty exciting i have to say. i did a little grocery shop and bought some yogert...REAL cheese...and a steak!!! ok..the steak might have been over doing it...but i was excited! turns out i am mildly allergic to the preservative they put in meat to make it look red. so i should stick to organic...but it’s still pretty cool!

it's my lucky day tomorrow....hope it's yours...happy st patty's day everyone!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

a joke for the domestically disabled...

rollergirl joke...i found this on myspace and had to pass it on...

Sorry secretaries and school teachers

Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had given their new wives duties.

The first man had married a secretary and had told her that she was going to do dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple days, but on the third day he came home to a clean house and dishes washed and dinner cooked.

The second man had married a school teacher . He had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and the cooking. The first day he didn't see any results, but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day, he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done, and there was a huge dinner on the table.

The third man had married a rollergirl. He told her that her duties were to keep the house clean, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything, but by the third day some of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye, enough to fix himself a bite to eat and load the dishwasher."

...that made me laugh!


doggie walk etc..

had a nice doggie walk today...i was feeling tired though...still am

after that had my allgery tests done..

these are the things i'm most allergic too;

crab, lobster, scallops..i love scallops! hot food apparently...shitty, almonds, cashews, peanuts, msg, house dust and dust mites...i have a lot of those in my apartment! mixed molds, feathers, sheeps wool...better not get a farm. alder, cottonwood, mixed grass and bakers yeast! no more coissants..or bread except crap at the heath food store that weighs a ton!!

ok...i a few weeks i'll be getting toxin test and see my vitamin level. fun times!


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

thursday off...

i have tomorrow off! yippie. i hope it's as nice outside as it was today! i'm going to walk doggies then get allergy tests..b/c i've had a rash for 4 months!

i'll let you know if i pass...

:) aren't downloading right now..sorry...i need to add colour to my blog but it will have to wait!

another tip...

ok...i have another tip for those of you that are like me..i know your out there...;)

if you haven't done your dishes and need a side plate for your toast...a shallow bowl works just as good! failing that i guess just any bowl...or a piece of paper towel...


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

staying up late....

for some reason no matter how tired i am at 9:30 or 10...somehow at 11:30pm...i wake right up! now with the time change..i wake up at 12 or 12:30am! so i'm super hyper for about an hour or so. not sure how long i've been doing that for..but most of my adult years for sure. i really should have a night job i's painful when that alarm rings at 6:30am!

i might have thursday off...maybe even friday too! if so this cat gonna be sleeping in!


Monday, March 12, 2007

help...i need more music!

i drive in my car every day almost all day...listening to the same friggin’ cd’s everyday!

so tonight i’m burning a bunch from my itunes...i need more though. so if anyone has heard or bought a good cd lately...let me know about it.

can i borrow it?! ...or just tell me about it and i’ll spring for it!


: )

Sunday, March 11, 2007

rain and warm feet

last night i meet anne before dancing as we often do..had dinner at the clove then neither of us felt like going dancing...which has never happened! that was weird.

i’ve been a little tired trying to get over this i probably needed the rest....

today was a pretty good sunday. despite the ridiculous amount of rain..and there was a lot of it for sure.

i got up too late to have breakfast with brent...i didn’t forget about the time change. i just could drag my ass out of bed....hopefully i make it next week.

went for a little visit at the pickle had a nice coffee and chat with mishi. my feet got pretty wet with this rain. mish she said heard that one for the main causes of colds cold wet feet....which i have had alot lately. so afterwards i went home and changed my boots to rubber ones and wooly felt sooo good!

the rest of the day was errands....cleaned a little....

thought a little movie and relax tonight would be good...have to be up super friggin’ early tomorrow b/c of the time difference.

i hate daylight sucks. it doesn’t work here anyway...b/c we don’t have sun...the lights have to be on all the time regardless....


Saturday, March 10, 2007

quotes to make you smile...

mum and dad forwarded me these...thought they were pretty good.

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." - Winston

"A modest little person, with much to be modest about." - Winston Churchill

"I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great
pleasure." - Clarence Darrow

"He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the
dictionary." - William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway)

"Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?" -
Ernest Hemingway (about William Faulkner)

"Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading
it." - Moses Hadas

"He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know." -
Abraham Lincoln

"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of
it." - Mark Twain

"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends." - Oscar Wilde

"I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a
friend.... if you have one." - George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill

"Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second... if there is
one." - Winston Churchill, in response.

"I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here." -
Stephen Bishop

"He is a self-made man and worships his creator." - John Bright

"I've just learned about his illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial." -
Irvin S. Cobb

"He is not only dull himself, he is the cause of dullness in others." -
Samuel Johnson

"He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up." - Paul Keating

"He had delusions of adequacy." - Walter Kerr

"There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure." - Jack E.

"He has the attention span of a lightning bolt." - Robert Redford

"They never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human
knowledge." - Thomas Brackett Reed

"In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily." -
Charles, Count Talleyrand

"He loves nature in spite of what it did to him." - Forrest Tucker

"Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?" -
Mark Twain

"His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork." - Mae West

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." - Oscar

"He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for support rather
than illumination." - Andrew Lang (1844-1912)

"He has Van Gogh's ear for music." - Billy Wilder

"I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it." - Groucho Marx


art, house and metal...

ani and her hot friend mark

another hot friend of ani's...dash the door man and me at the columbia

ok well..i’ve been getting over a cold and thought a low key art show night at the jem gallery would be just the ticket.

i met ani there..looked at art chatted with people...then at band started playing music and putting on a fashion show....which i think was a really bad idea b/c no one was looking or chatting after we left. i wanted to go to monsoon for a snack and a drink...that was cool. it’s closing down at the end of will be missed.

after that we cruised around town seeing what’s what. ani seems to know people everywhere. didn't end up low key...but that's definately was fun!

here are some highlights...

heavy metal at the belmoral...didn't stay there long...

some art at the jem...i'm thinking of buying the piece in the miss rheanna fancypants..

this piece was pretty cool...

so were these....

rockin' to house at the columbia..


Thursday, March 08, 2007

today i went to work with my shirt on inside out...

i dress people for a living! this is my life right now and not what the rest of this blog is about....

why is it that somethings never change? for some reason i have this naive idea that things will....and i’m surprised and hurt when they don’t. what’s that about? doe’s everyone do that...or is it just me? i know i get hurt easily by peoples action..or non action.
...i try not to...but i do.

i sometimes think i ask too much of people..but then i think...i only ask what i myself are willing to give. that it seems that is too much for some people. so am i destined to be hurt by them? continuously? maybe i just have to stay away from those people who hurt me.....but that hurts too.



Wednesday, March 07, 2007

dogs and poo...

i figure i might as well not change the subject yet...

this was one of the top stories in the paper today! slow news day i guess...
apparently there is a dog poo problem in vancouver...a 4.3 million kilos a year problem. that can't be right...that's a lot of shit!!

the city is talking about using it for compost or even an energy source. sometimes i think kimba's poo would be a good source of least it smells like it would be anyway.

speaking of poo....have to change the kitty there's an energy source! was a slow news day for me as well...


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

daisy update...

daisy's gonna be ok. her tumour was benign. she's getting back to her little daisy self nicely!

that's a relief...


Monday, March 05, 2007

toilet answers...

my friend nick from portland...who is also dance club doing this on utube now.

it's called toilet answers...and i think it could be funny. if he has some good questions. so send him some...

opsss..i forgot to give you the it is...

...and this is the myspace link..


good thoughts for daisy girl...

i was suppose to see the doggies yesterday....but couldn’t get in touch with sean..not unusual. it’s pretty normal for him not to call me back for days...a week..whatever. i figured he lost his phone or charger or turned it off...his usual excuses. i’m use to it.

today he called me to tell me daisy girl went in for surgery to remove a tumour. not sure why he didn’t tell me before hand. i was quite upset at him. what if something had gone wrong and i never saw her again?

she seems fine apparently ...but they still have to do the biopsy to make sure it’s not cancer.

so please sent good thoughts for daisy girl. she really is a super sweet girl....and i'd be sad if anything happened to her.

one for daisy's favorite things is to lay in the water. she likes mud puddles the best..but the ocean will do nicely...


Sunday, March 04, 2007

tea time with ani

i’m getting into a bad habit lately of staying up super late on the weekends. last night i did it again. i came home from dancing at about 1am...stayed up 'til 3am. so i awoke quite late this morning and had a slow start to the day.

after i got myself together. i went over to ani’s place for a little tea time. it was nice. we chatted for hours about various things...loves i often find it hard to connect with other are easy..but women i never seem to have much in common with. ani is different. we seem to connect. we aren’t the same..but we relate. something about the strong scottish women...something in the blood...way back. i can relate ...b/c i am one as well. we recognise it in each other.

it’s’s nice to meet and get to know a new friend.



descided to make my myspace page a little more interesting. i think it's looking pretty good...i'm going to do more.

check it out if you want...


Saturday, March 03, 2007

if there's a part 1..there has to be a part 2

i went to grab my script today for the next episode. i look down at the title and it reads; "all hell breaks loose, part 1"

well. i thought all hell had already broken loose...i guess not. eekkkk


2:18am....friday night.

sorry my blog haven’t been very inspired the last few days. it was a rough week.

it’s 2:18 am friday night. i just watched “babel”. what a good movie. a real tear jerker for me. wow...i can’t believe that didn’t win an oscar for best picture. watch it sometime....but be ready to cry.

it brought me back to some moments in my and death moments. hard to think about.... but in truth...they maybe the most beautiful moments....maybe the best in my life. i realise that sounds odd....but i truly believe that. some of you may understand and some may just think i have lost it. the ones that understand....know what i say is true.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

one month to go...

one month left on my show. it's gonna be a long long month....

still need a hug...

:) jox