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Saturday, March 31, 2007

blessing or a curse?

today i read an article about a study done on mind wondering. they did a study at UBC...they gave a bunch of students war and peace to read...ok...maybe that was their first mistake! they should have given them a more interesting book...not so heavy!

anyway.... apparently the test subjects were not thinking about what they’re doing about 30% of the time. 30%...that’s it? for me i think that percentage is just a little higher...;) ok, alot higher..... especially when i’m working. i would say about 60% of the time i’m thinking about something or many other things. gets me into trouble from time to time. garn couldn’t stand it i know that. i got into a little fender bender with a dump truck b/c of it once...that wasn’t so good. most of the time i just miss exits...things like that.

i try to be more zen and concentrate on one thing and one thing alone. i read a book about that once. it just doesn't work for me. japanese people are good at that...they are trained from a young age. but then they have a hard time multi tasking and creative thought...thinking out side of the box and problem solving. i personally think it’s a talent i have developed over time to get me through life's boring or tough times. things like driving in traffic, standing in lines, mindless jobs or people who talk excessively about boring subjects. it get me through them without out too much effort.

if you care to read more on the subject;,5_WA20_wandering.article


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