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Monday, April 30, 2007

st louis rawks...sunday :)

...i mean blues'

something about st louis....can't quite but my finger on it...that just rocks...I love it! I have no idea what I love about it. I just do.

I guess its sorta like how I can't never quite out my finger on why I dislike...or never been sure about...vancouver. 

It’s a its in the air or something.

I feel inspired. inspired and feeling the blues....finally. i’ve had some truly amazing dances here. took me a day or two to loosen up! I was soooo tight when I got here. Now I'm loose as a goose. met some great people. some i met last year that are here well as many new faces.

have to go back soon the the city of no blues...but not before I give her my all tonight ‘till the wee hours.....


dancers to bikers...and back


Dance workshops for most of the day today. They where lots of fun. I was a little stiff...don't seem to have a lot of confidence yet this weekend....not sure why. Sometimes its just like that. When you have confidence you dance great...when you don't...not so much. It's all a state of mind.

After the workshops there was a bit of time so I wondered into the moto motorcycle museum opening. That was fun. Some amazing old bikes in great shape.

this one is for garn and ani....1947 BMW...

there was also a guy doings tricks in the parking lot...

As I walked around thinking of how some of the things I like are so opposite of each other. None of the dancers had any interest in the bikes. Totally different sort of people that's for sure! The people I meet doing these things...are also so different from me...its weird. I don't mind...I kinda like it. I don't want to be like everyone else. But it maybe nice sometimes to be part of I group you feel you fit into... every now and again.

I'm pretty sure the last time I was part of a group I fit in with was in my punk days. Also I guess when I was skating....although with  skating I was always a little outside the box as well. except when I was really good...then everyone really liked me...go figure.

Ok...well I have to finish my meal and go back to the dancers...I'm hiding from them right now...i can't be with people 24/7. need time to myself.


Sunday, April 29, 2007

friday in st louis

well...i made it to st louis. and made it up the arch! here’s an arch fact for was built in 1965 the year of my birth and it's pretty cool..

the arch reflected in the mississippi...

here's a view of the city from the can see bushc stadium which i went by to later on in the day...a game was about to start and i was super tempted to forget about dancing and go to that instead. i've never been to a real baseball game before. i probably would have done it if i'd have had a buddy with me. another time...

hey what's that at the base of the arch? is that video village??'ve got to be kidding me?! i can't seem to get away from film...

later i did some vintage shopping on delmar st....the vintage shopping is great here and the people are super nice. i tried to buy one apple at a fruit stand and the guy would let me pay.

a cool sign on delmar st..delmar seems to be my 'hood here.

i got some awesome bbq here...they serve snoot which i later found out is pig's nose. kinda glad i didn't order that...but at the same time...wish i did.


Saturday, April 28, 2007


i wrote this on's taken me a while to post stuff. i've been a bit busy dancing...sorry.

Here I am in Dallas texas airport for a second year later....waiting for my flight to st louis.

I always feel like I'm in a bad commercial when I'm here. It very odd. I've never actually been out of the airport in texas....looking around....not sure I want to.  culture shock...for sure.

Its been a pretty good trip so far...knock on wood. I like travelling ....once I'm on the plane...I let my mind wonder and get all retrospective ...its good.

Ok now.... get me to st louis and give me that blues.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

st louis...give me that blues!

so i’m heading to st louis tomorrow..super early. i should be in bed but i just finished eating ...oh well.

i’m going for a 4days of blues dancing workshops, competitions(i'm not competing) and social will be fun. hoping to get a trip up the arch this time and of course have lots of great dances!

i'll bring my i might be able to do the blog. don't know yet.


Monday, April 23, 2007

unexpected gifts...

unexpected gifts are the best kind.

i went to see the lawyer today...get stuff was fine. it felt good and sad all at once. i felt a little drained afterwards so i decided to skip all the stuff i had to do and go have a nice tea with ani instead.

she gave me this bracelet that her late step mom made. she gave it to for no reason....just because

i thought that was very sweet....thankx ani.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

not my story to tell...

i have a friend that’s been dealt rather a difficult hand in life...a heavy hand. something she will always have to deal with....and there may not but much she can do about that. she deals as best she can and i would love to help in anyway i can...but i can’t really. there’s nothing i can do but stand by and be a good friend i sucks...but it’s the way it is. that’s life.

i wanted to write about it and it wasn’t working. then i figured is a story....but it’s not MY story to tell and i think that’s why i couldn’t do it. i don’t know enough about it. all i know is my own experiences in life. i can draw from them to try and relate...but i can’t relate...b/c it’s not happening to me.

my good friend kim said to me once...."just b/c your dealt a shitty hand...doesn't mean you can't win the game"

i hope she's right...


try again another day...

for some reason the thing i’ve wanted to write about for the last couple of days....isn’t coming out. so...i haven’t written anything.

sorry. i will try again tomorrow....


Thursday, April 19, 2007

party pic...

today was our little end of the season party for the department.

heres some pics....


diane's happy about going to the spa...

brin and kelly made these cute little purses...

jen, carole and kelly check out the loot...

it's dianes 50th soon so we made her this a dorky card with all our faces on it...hehehe


film hangover

well it seems i have what i call a film hangover. all i’ve felt like doing since being off work is sleeping, eating, drinking tea and watching movies.

i have plenty to do and catch up on...but just feel like doing it yet. my back and head hurts and i feel like i have a bodyover. i haven’t been drinking...i swear. maybe that’s the problem! hehe

it’s like my body just decided.....that’s’re done...take a break. massage tomorrow..hopefully that helps. i got stuff to do!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

nice way to start the hiatus...

went to see stomp with ani and her son michael last night. i guess one of the cast has a big crush on her (who doesn't? :):) and gave her comp tickets! nice....

it was a really great show and a perfect way for me to celebrate my last day of work.

they really did an amazing job putting the show together. and the so familiar...

The beating of 2 simple sticks I heard every night at about 11 o'clock in tokyo. every night a guy would walk around the neighbourhood doing this as a reminder to put your fires out. it was a relaxing and rhythmic sound that i had totally forgotten about. don't think I've heard that since....what a nice memory.

Much of the stomping...I assume...inspired by tap. also reminded me a bit of when chester whitmore came up and nearly killed everyone in his tap workshops. i couldn’t walk for a week! during the dance afterwards chester broke into impromptu tapping and drumming using everything in sight..the floor, walls..whatever he could fine to tap out a was awesome!

afterwards we went by the irish heather and had some food since i hadn’t had time for dinner. it was a nice night all around.

thankx ani...


Monday, April 16, 2007

do a little dance...make a little love...

...get down tonight..dududu....get down tonight...'s a bad song. but it's in my head. it's in my head b/c tomorrow is my last day on supernatural. (this season) don't know about the next!

yippie! :):):)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

it's not over 'till it's over....

this weekend was a big dance weekend. competitions, workshops etc...

i didn't partake in all the activities mostly b/c of tiredness and other obligations ...and stress. this sean thing is really stressing me out. i'm renaming sundays "fight with sean day"...i think it has a certain ring to it.....don't you?

any's a pic of kevin and kritabell from victoria whooping it up at the lindybout competition. i lifted from fellow dancer justin took it. nice work justin!

that kristabell is some strong...


Saturday, April 14, 2007

clowning around and stuff...

cathy and jen thought it would be a good idea if we worked in clown shoes for the day.... it made working in a shitty warehouse all day more fun...

these were my shoes...

had a busy evening last night starting with a quick art gallery show at hawks gallery..then off to see wade and danielle for their annual birthday get together. alot of new faces this year...some of the old ones too. it was at salt..the new irish heather owned trendy spot in blood alley. i brought ani as my "date"....since no male ones seem to be around these days. we had a good time. even though i waited a very long time for cheese and cold cuts....more than a 1/2hr! seemed crazy. then the waiter didn't seem to want to give us more bread. i wouldn't recommend the place for a meal....but for a bite and some wine..sure. probably a nice place for a date....if i ever have one again.... :(unless you work in film...b/c half the crew from my show was there.

afterwards i headed to an awesome blues party at jim's...couldn't stay long b/c tiredness was over coming me. these guys played some impromptu blues....


Thursday, April 12, 2007

holy shit!!

ok...i just realised i've been doing this blog this for more than a year!! it was april 5th of last year i started. i have done 360 posts in that time! almost one a day..a little less.


never thought i would have a blog...didn't even know what a blog was the year before that!! i got inspired by reading garns blog....and decided to do my own. thanks garn.

here i year later. funny how life is...

it's been really good i think. opened up some new communication and helped me work some stuff out.


busy weekend ahead...

it's friday tomorrow...thank god! i've had it with this work week!

it will be a busy weekend with some dancers coming to stay for a special dance weekend....competions and workshops. i have one coming from ottawa and one from the island.

i'm not doing the whole dance weekend myself. too many other things going i'm not really into burnt out from those when i was a kid.

also tomorrow night is wade and danielle's birthday party.

night night...


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

sleeping powder in my lunch...

i do believe someone has put sleeping powder in my lunch, lead weights in my shoes and glued my ass to this chair....

i'm not kidding!!

i'm soOooOo over working...and now they want me to work a few days next week. crap. even though i only worked a 10hr day today...i feel like i did 15. so rented a movie sat my ass down in my chair and it ain't moving 'till bed. i already watched the movie....'children of men". great movie...but make sure the kleenex is handy.

apparently lcd soundsytem is on i might stay up for that.



Tuesday, April 10, 2007


ok...something happened to this link...hopefully it comes back and you can see the shear magic....

this is why i dance...these guys are unfriggin'believable!

i can aspire to this...and never get there...but can always keep trying.

i have to watch it again... that makes me smile!!


nothing really happened today...

i had today off. i relaxed...watched a movie. i'm uneasy about not doing much....not use to it...bit i think i needed it.

one thing i did do was sign the papers for my new company. btw i didn't get my cool it's jojo productions inc. which is kinda stupid b/c that was one of the names they didn't let me have the last time i incorporated. stupid government....i think they just automatically give you your 3rd choice...don't even consider the others.

anyway...back to work tomorrow...3 days this week..2 next..and i'm done. can't wait!

here's a crazy pic for you....i like it...


easter monday

nice day all around i think...had some nice groceries and a visit in at granville island.

later had a little easter monday bbq with the ever lovely ani kyd and her tiny doggie sophie. jazz was not happy about the dog that looks (to her) like an over grown rat and sophie wasn't too sure about the gaint (to her) cat. ani pretty much took over the bbq duties...and i was happy to have the help.

...i should have taken pics...sorry.


Monday, April 09, 2007

let the games begin...

i saw sean today... finally. after many phone messages and phone calls...some that were very strange. he was suppose to meet me yesterday ..but cancelled..then when we were suppose to meet today at 3pm. at noon he called me said he was there....what??'re 3hrs early...

as soon as i saw him...i new it wasn’t going to be good. he had sunglasses wasn’t sunny. he was talking to me...but looking nothing. i don’t know what’s wrong with him...but i don’t like it...not one bit. we started fighting almost right away....

i had enough.....i walked away. as i looked back as we yelled across the park. i looked at kimba and daisy and thought...i wonder if this is the last time i see them? fuck...i hope not.

i will all be in a lawyer hands soon. sean will most likely loose his truck....but it’s his own fault. he wouldn’t soft play we’re gonna play hard.

afterwards i was sooo mad i went home and cleaned my apartment...anger cleaning. i’ve heard of it... seen it in movies. not sure if i’ve done it before...once or twice maybe. anyway my apartments clean...and so is my fridge!

thanks sean...thanks for all you have made me realise today...and the clean apartment!


ps... thanks to all the great friends that have been listening to me bitch and offered words of wisdom on this....(i think you probably know who you are;)...thank you thank you thank you!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

more helpful tips...

when i got my allergy tests done the other day the guy told me i should clean my fridge every week..b/c of my mould allergy. yeah right...i laughed...he looked at me. i think he was wondering why i laughed so hard....but he didn’t comment. i'll get right on that...put it on the list with every other household chore i should do.

i do have weee tip for my fellow ‘disables. if your fridge gets dirty...take the light’s way less noticeable. don’t make the mistake i made though...don’t wonder why there is no light and put it back in. eeekkkk...what's that at the back of my fridge??!


Friday, April 06, 2007

chocolate jesus and bunnies...

had a pretty good day of visiting and errands today. went by to see mishi and garbs at the pickle.

garbs is making these pretty cool plushies...

i'm gonna have to get myself one i think!

in a bit i'm going to see dyan and paulus for a drink at stella's...haven't seen them in awhile. tomorrow more visiting chocolate bunnies is on the menu.

for those of you who haven't heard about the chocolate jesus thing going on in the states i've put a link below...

i really don't understand what the problem they have with it. i don't think the artist is making fun of jesus. i would say it may be making a statement about commercialism in religion. i guess it the nakedness they don't like. whats with the americans and nakedness anyway? naked is good! :) i had to copy a story from NZ because all the others i found didn't show the whole pic...or they showed the back it only! that's wonder north americans have body issues.

i personally think the guy should cash in on it and make mini ones...


Thursday, April 05, 2007

happy easter weekend!

easter is early this year...but not a moment too soon. i'm very happy to be off work and on the home stretch...and what a good start to the weekend!

it beautiful day....nice night. first of all the set dec guys washed my car!! awesome guys! i thought they were joking...then i walk outside and it's all shinny!

here's a car dealer near my work..they dress that guy up for the holidays..i love the bunny tail!

got off work early then met anne of a few before dancing...had the most amazing balboa dance with larry...actually every dance was amazing. some nights are like magic...when you just dance every dance to your fullest! :) :)

anne at the legion...


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

5 days of freedom...

i just found out that i have a 5 day weekend coming up! wow....that's pretty exciting!!

have no idea what i will do. ok....i have a few ideas...

i know it will involve chocolate...seeing as many friends as i and old (that one might be a challange...but i will try my best :) dancing, eatting (hopefully w/ others)....and a little wine..i think. have to tend to some business as well...but hopefully not too much.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

odd feeling...

i'm in an odd mood tonight...not sure what it is.

like i'm waiting for something...i know is coming. i just don't know when to except it. it 's a strange feeling. like if i concentrate hard enough...i would know what it is.

all would be clear.


tribulations of a blogger

dad sent me this..and since nothing really happened to me today....that i feel like sharing...

This was pubished in the Calgary Herald on Monday and copied in the national press on April 02, 2007....

Paris secretary and blogger Catherine Sanderson has won her wrongful dismissal case, but other bloggers should not take the ruling to mean it's carte blanche in cyberspace.

Sanderson, who blogged under the pseudonym "petite anglaise," was careful to keep her employer's name and her own under wraps, even as thousands of people logged on to her blog daily to read about the latest in her love life and at her office. She was fired after posting photos of herself on the site, leading her employer, an accounting firm, to feel the company had been maligned. They accused her of blogging from the office, damaging the firm's reputation and sneaking out for a tryst on company time.

Now that an industrial tribunal has ordered the company to pay Sanderson more than $100,000, it would seem that anything goes in the blogosphere. Wrong. Discretion is still the better part of valour. An older generation might lament the passing of an age of modesty and privacy, in which people didn't feel the need to tell all to thousands of strangers.

However, that attitude is passe in a cyberspace world where the number of personal blogs ranges in the hundreds of millions. People are inevitably going to post their thoughts and the storiesof their daily lives on lime, but they need to be cognizant of the fact that some rules still apply.

Any time one is making a personal story public, there is always a danger that someone else will get hurt, and that the hurt will end up in a courtroom.

The ruling went in Sanderson's favour this time; the next no-holds barred blogger may not be so lucky.

...thanks dad.


Monday, April 02, 2007

i bought most of this shit!!

wrap continues on supernatural....looks like we're gonna be there most of the month! eekkk....inventorying two years of crap we bought....great. it's alot of shit let me tell you...and i bought most of it! fudge...

i can't wait 'till it's over....and i have a tummy ache.

night night


Sunday, April 01, 2007

paying the price today...

lots of action last night with our wrap party and then rockin with the cadaver dogs at the railway.

i’m too hung over to write too here are some pics...

ani and me at the wrap party

midnight admiring ani's assets at the railway

blog buddie hez and i finally meet...she writes a mean blog. funny gal!

ani kyd and taylor little...from bug house 5...ham it up for the camera
