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Sunday, April 29, 2007

friday in st louis

well...i made it to st louis. and made it up the arch! here’s an arch fact for was built in 1965 the year of my birth and it's pretty cool..

the arch reflected in the mississippi...

here's a view of the city from the can see bushc stadium which i went by to later on in the day...a game was about to start and i was super tempted to forget about dancing and go to that instead. i've never been to a real baseball game before. i probably would have done it if i'd have had a buddy with me. another time...

hey what's that at the base of the arch? is that video village??'ve got to be kidding me?! i can't seem to get away from film...

later i did some vintage shopping on delmar st....the vintage shopping is great here and the people are super nice. i tried to buy one apple at a fruit stand and the guy would let me pay.

a cool sign on delmar st..delmar seems to be my 'hood here.

i got some awesome bbq here...they serve snoot which i later found out is pig's nose. kinda glad i didn't order that...but at the same time...wish i did.


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