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Thursday, May 31, 2007

new daily read...

i love this site....

hez posted the link on her blog the other day and it's become of my daily must reads! ..thankx hez.

here's her blog link as well...

if you're not already an avid reader...check it out. some of the videos she's put up recently are really funny. my personal fav being "crazylegs in huggies". to portland for a few days tomorrow. to dance...of course ;)


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

one of those days...

it was one of those days i guess. i've been fighting a bad back and head ache for about a week.

today i went for a massage...relaxed at granville island and jjbeans...nothing helped.

i hope it goes soon...especially b/c i'm going to portland friday.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

point in time....

may 22nd, 2007

Here I am sitting in a coffee shop on commercial drive with Andreas...its a nice day.  He's working on the computer...I'm writing this..drinking my pellegreno.

We are doing our own thing...kinda nice to do your own thing...yet with someone else. that comfortable an old married couple or something. Weird.

it makes me think back and wonder what life could have been...if we hadn’t ruined our relationship being young, foolish and at times selfish. i guess we knew no other way to be at that moment in time. yet here we are...still friends. all these years later.

here we this point in time.

happy birthday andreas...i'm glad we're still friends. love jojoxx

ps...i think you look better now..;)


Monday, May 28, 2007

here it is...

i rode it around a bit today...just a block..not even. a few feet! ani gave me a few tips...she's teaching me to ride it. we're going to take it to a parking lot and practice.


back early from camp

i came back a little early from my dance weekend. not sure why....i just did. i had was great. i just had this weird feeling i should come back and have learned from experience that i need to listen to my gut. i'm back. now why am i here??



Saturday, May 26, 2007

camp jitterbug...and art

So I'm in seattle. Last night watched the jump show...then did some dancing. This is a big event with 500 dancers from all over the world

some of the jump show dancers...

This morning started off a little rocky. Last night I noticed my head lights were out so I drove around town trying to find somewhere that could put new ones in for a little lost. But found someone to get the job done.

After that I went back to an art gallery I was at yesterday. Saw a piece I really liked yesterdsay.

Long story short....this is soon to be on my wall. by deth p. sun..

have to come back next weekend to pick it up.

had an interesting chat with the gallery guy...doug. about art and the seattle/portland/vancouver scenes. He shared some observations about vancouverites. He suggests the reason why they are open because many of them lack an opinion at all. I sorta feel he might have something there.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

i did it!!

i bought it....:):):)

pick it up monday! more then...

in the mean time i'm off to seattle for some dancing...


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

ikea day!

it was ikea day today!

ani and i had tea...bought sausages etc...then went to ikea!!

it was loads of fun...we didn’t go too crazy. just a few essentials...

here’s a leather couch ani wants...

it's a surprisingly good deal.

we also went to look at something else. something for me. i'm not telling what it is yet...b/c i don't want anyone talking me in or out of it! you'll see....hehe




I sit here listening to david "honeyboy" edwards at the yale....

my friends left early. but what they don't know is...they missed the best part of the show. The heart showed up in the 2nd set. As I listen I think....why do I love blues soooo darn much? It’s all about feeling and passion...that's why I like it. It reaches down to the bottom of my soul...finds emotions...i didn’t know i had...and brings it up. 

there is something i wrote about this past weekend but haven’t published. i need to think on it a bit...mull it over in my brain. i may never publish it....we’ll see.


Monday, May 21, 2007

one hatched!!

i started watching the crow cam a couple of days ago. she has four eggs...and one hatched today! i saw was sooo cute.

check it out...


Sunday, May 20, 2007

rain and action in vancouver

andreas made it yesterday evening on his stop over from LA. we’re having a nice visit even though the weather isn’t really co-operating....heavy rain and cold for those of you on the other side of the country.

last night we went to monsoon for some good eats and then headed to the irish heather for a nice pint and chat.

this morning we headed over to see ani at choppers dinner...they were dang busy. i bumped into a few people i know...dusty, his lovely girlfriend jill and some other regulars. it busiest i’ve seen it yet. i think the poor cooks were having a hard time keeping up...but they’ll get it i’m sure. just takes a bit of time. i bet poor ani is beat tonight!

the rest of the day was pretty chill as the weather was not super good for sight seeing so a big nap was involved while andreas catches up on some work.

tonight we will head out for another nice meal....we were thinking mexican so maybe probably at lolittas...if it’s not too busy.

here's a pic from the other night that a friend took at pat’s pub the the other night. i thought they were really great photos and wanted to share....

me...with surreal looking dude in background...

thanks darren


Saturday, May 19, 2007

happy birthday garn...thank you ray...

last night i had a nice evening that started off with garnet’s belated birthday celebration. we tried to go to tapanga...but the wait was way too we ended up at fennies.

it was a really nice meal, conversation and great service...wish i had taken some pics...oh well.

i feel really thankful that we can be friends. it’s important to me...thanks garn and i’m glad you enjoyed your meal and book. :)

ray's old band members rockabilly it up at pats pub....

afterwards i headed home thinking that would be the wasn’t. a friend of mine had left a message on myspace to come to the ray condo celebration. ray condo was a fixture in the rockabilly scene for many years. i used to see him play in TO..then here. probably saw him play at least 15 times...maybe more.

i sorta wonder if that’s were my swing dancing bug started. sean and i would go see him and dance all night our own version of swing...... thank you ray.

for those of you who don’t know ray died in 2004 of a heart attack at age 52. he lived the rock and roll lifestyle...and maybe paid for it in the end...but he was a good guy.

me and dusty doug..

kristie and some rockabilly dude...

hez looks sweet!

saw many old faces i hadn’t seen in years as well as some nice new ones! what a great night! i’m so glad i went...


Thursday, May 17, 2007

happy birthday garbis

i love this picture of the garbs and me. finally blogger let me post this...garn took it awhile ago out side of guu...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARBIS!! hope you had a nice day... :) jox


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

....paying my bills for another year

ok...good news for me considering my sean induced financial woes.

it looks like i have work for another year. just found out supernatural is going for another season! no reason why we won’t all be going back to there you go. i needed this one for sure. i might even have to do full time this year to catch up..we'll see. i’ve been afraid to spend any money lately. at least now...knowing this eases some of the stress.

ok so. that being said. my travel plans for the rest of the hiatus are as follows;

seattle, camp jitterbug- may 25th-27th

portland, come rain come shine-june 1st-3rd

halifax- june 8th-11th

TO- june 11th-14th

it’s a pretty tight schedule! plus in between i have visitors. andreas (yes THAT andreas! we’re still friends after all these years ....who whould have thought :) anyway he’s here this coming weekend and some dancers for our big lingy exchange on june 15th!

ok...i’m going back to craigs list....looking at second hand scooters!! hehehe


thought my blog needed some colour...

i have to admit...i’ve been having a hard time of it lately....

everytime i think i’m doing ok...something happens to bring me down.

i’m starting to feel quite alone and at a loss as to what to do about all this sean stuff. today in the bank i nearly had a nervous breakdown trying to find out if we can separate our debt. they weren’t very helpful and i had to leave.

there has been someone who always seems to be there for me lately. she served me this amazing special breaky the other day to cheer me up...

thankx ani.

a friend sent me this today...for sean


Monday, May 14, 2007

bluesy monday...

i get to my semi usual coffee shop today..prado. it's about 2pm....the time gets later and later everyday.

i step out of my car in front...

there's a guy dressed in hippy robe with a white beard playing tambourine and selling canvas with colourful paint on them...he probably calls it art. i call it something else...beginning with an S___

a youngish funky looking black guy is sitting on the patio playing basic blues rifts on a steel guitar...stomping his foot on the case...adding the accessional harmonica to the mix.

I walk inside...they're playing bob a rolling stone....

I hear the mix of it all....This is all so surreal i think to commercial drive. i wonder if i can have a blues even here?? there's a wood floor! hmmmm

speaking of blues....

tonight is blues dancing at the yale. I'm trying my best to get people out...but they're resistant. I'm taking the class as a lead! Oh boy...could be interesting. I've never really lead before.

I would like to start a monthly blues event in vancouver...there are challenges to this of course. Its not a money maker for a bar bc dancers just don't drink much. I need to find a venue that we can have a friday event....licensed would be nice. needs to have a half decent wood floor.

If anyone has any ideas...please let me know!


Sunday, May 13, 2007

earning my nickname....

i seem to be having vivid dreams these days. every now and again that happens to me. i close my eyes when i go to bed...just before i go to sleep. i guess that doesn’t really make it a dream then does it? not sure what to call them...visions in my head! HAHA... that makes me sound psychic or just pain crazy!

you know.... that time between when your asleep and awake...when you’re really neither. some people think that’s when you're closest to other plains of existence...whatever you believe those other plains are called...really doesn’t matter. you’re not quite here on this earth....

i notice this happens to me alot more often when i'm not working...wonder why?

it’s funny....when i talk like this people either nod at me knowingly....or just look at me like i’m insane. i guess i'm just earning my nickname...

dancing in abbotsford again tonight. i hate to think what my life would be like if it wasn't for dancing....scary...


i killed a bird today....

i killed a bird today. least i think i did. pretty sure. a little sparrow in think. it was dead by the wheel of my car when i parked it in my spot. no other car parks it had to have been me.

i felt kinda shitty about it...

i sorta wonder if that is partly what my dream was about last night...b/c i remember a car in the dream....actually a car accident.

anyway..the poor bugger is dead. poor guy. :(

happy mothers day tomorrow....for those who celebrate it.
have a nice day mum.

i'll be hiding for the world. trying my best anyway...


Saturday, May 12, 2007

i dreamt...

i dreamt i had wings last night. correction. i dreamt i had one wing. i had a left wing but no right. i could see it clearly...

i wasn’t flying or anything like that...don’t think you can fly with one wing.

it’s just not possible....


i have a feeling...

i have the feeling....this weekend might be a rough one.

i hope not. not too rough anyway.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

naping with the cat and showboat...

had a not so busy day today...but for some reason feel asleep on the couch with the cat in the late afternoon. i was listening to music... haven’t just listened to music...for a very long time. it was nice but made me sleepy i guess.

i woke up just in time to make dinner and run off to the first showboat of the year. this year happens to be the 10th anniversary of the event...personally it's my 3rd year. we had about 70 people...what a great night....

it just doesn't get any better than this....


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

vacation in vancouver...

i realise now why i go away after a show...b/c i really have no energy to get much done anyway.

so i thought i would start acting like i’m on vacation. do some of the things i do when i go away.

yesterday went to the art gallery...the VAG. checked out a few exhibits. i liked the fred herzog photos of vancouver....mostly from the 50’s-70’s. the rest of it was kinda crappy...oh well.

today i hung out at choppers all day breakfast for awhile and visited ani. afterwards we went and looked at an new home for her and her son. it looked pretty good...hope she gets it.

then we headed to the drive for a stroll tea and vintage shopping. it was a nice day.

showboat starts tomorrow!!! it's gonna be great!


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

sing-a-long fun...

...but freakin' busy!

cbc did a piece on it a couple of months ago and i guess there was also a mention in the provence as well;

which is never a good thing where the regulars are concerned. our usual group was pretty small...just teresa, dan, donel, gene and me....luckily b/c no one would have gonna seats otherwise.

aaron has an amp now for his mandlin?! hez does a good job holding it up....

if you look behind the band you can see the table of lame as hez called it.....looks like the last supper to me.

see hez's blog for more of the gory details....

as a side note.... my friend dan was there last night for the first time in a year. he couldn't get up the stairs 'till now. it makes me wonder why they are allowed to have it none handicapped/wheelchair accessible?? maybe b/c it's an old building?


Monday, May 07, 2007

more breakfast and dancing...

i went for breakfast again. this time with my church going friends. what a bunch of diverse friends i have....i consider myself very lucky in that way. they are all different that’s for sure. keeps life interesting.

it was almost impossible to get to breaky this morning....the stupid marathon made vancouver trafic even more fun than usual.

i didn’t do much else today...have to be honest and say i was feeling a little gloomy. later on i tried to pick up my mood by going off dancing in helped...a bit. wasn’t a busy night...but still good.

dan came for the first time in a more than a year. don’t know if you remember but he was a friend who gradually lost most of his muscle mass due to a rare auto immune disease ....and now he is dancing. a few slow songs for now.....getting his strength back. it’s nice to see. a year ago and he wasn’t even sure if he would walk again...let alone dance.

ok...i guess that’s it for today....i’m really looking forward to tomorrow nights sing a long at the railway...haven’t made it in a few months b/c of’s sure to pick me right fun fun!!


Saturday, May 05, 2007

breaky with the cool kids...

went for breaky at “chopper’s all day breakfast” today...on 1st at rupert today. where the fabulous and multi talented miss ani kyd was my fine and very busy waitress...

ran into a bunch of rockstars and cool kids including 12 o’clock midnight who had just bought this hurst....

also a few of ani’s friends...coco and her family....biker dudes and guys with mad crushes on ani...hehehe

so if anyone is interested in joining me for a good cheap breakfast and good coffee....give me a buzz anytime!


i'm starting to wonder...

if my parents are the only ones that read this....



so many people seem to lose their hope as they age. things happen i suppose. for some people it’s very gradual. me... it’s all at once.

i know exactly the moment i lost my’s forever frozen in my mind.

it’s kind of refreshing meeting and hanging out with people who seem to have a bit of it left. it’s almost amazing to me. a reminder of what i once had and maybe even still have. a tiny flicker in the back of my mind. a little spark just waiting to relight...


Friday, May 04, 2007

lcd soundsystem

went to see lcd soundsystem last night with my new friend gene. i enjoyed it. didn't really care for their sped up version on "def punk" but the rest in liked. especially the last two songs..."someone great" and (oh....i can't rememeber the name ot other one.. sorry) anyway i got right into the zone one those....

bumped into a few of people i know...garn, my hairdresser julie and aaron. aaron was doing the door. i bumped into aaron earlier in the day as well...on the drive. he's a funny guy. sent me a message on facebook saying he'll kick my ass out if i don't bring my ID! hehehe

all the pics i took turned out like this...

afterwards we went for some really bad food at some joint on granville st. granville is pretty bad place to find food at 1ish am...oh well. it was a nice night anyway.


awesome dancing...

in the second set it looks like it might have been spead up...but it wasn't. that's how fast their dancing...

...and there's a nice bit of blues at the end.


Thursday, May 03, 2007

have you ever....?

have you ever felt a single tear run down your face? i mean really felt it? creeping slowing down tickling your cheak...tease it.

it hard to just let it be...just feel it. the urge is to wipe it off is so incredibly strong. it starts to sting and itch...

you to wipe it have to.

like you have no’s impossible not to at one point.


thin vale over my life

sometimes i think i wear a thin vale. a thin vale over i go through life. it protects me....stops me from feeling too much. at times i pull it away peak through.... peering at the sun.

but mostly i wear the vale......


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

can we rewind this day and start over?

...or fast forward. maybe that's better?

today was one of those days when i maybe should have stayed in bed.....but i didn’t....i got up. it pretty much went down hill from there. i don't really want to get into it....but my feelings are kinda raw right i’ve been through the wringer and it’s exhausting.

i was suppose to go out for a drink tonight with a friend...but i think i will hide here instead. tomorrow is another day..getting my hair done.....lcd soundsystem in the evening. it should be better....i hope.

so tonight i’m just going to try and stay quiet.

shoot...i forgot to take my movies back...darn.


R&R day

took and R&R day today...did some laundry, groceries, had tea with ani...that's about it. oh..watched two movies the queen and stranger than fiction.

i have stuff i should be catching up on...but i'll start all that tomorrow.

night night.
