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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

jazzykins goes to the vet

poor old jazz had to go to the vet tonight...and let me tell you....she was super unhappy about it! bit and scratched the vet.
it looks like she might have an infected tooth that's causing an abscess.

lets face it...jazz is old. i'm not sure how old...lost track along time ago. i figure she's about 17....that's my best guess. she doesn't really clean herself so much she smells pretty bad. she crys at 6am everyday to be fed...even though i feed her in the evening. i think she may be senile. also...she doesn't always make it to the kitty i have to put down puppy pads all around it. a bit of a pain....but oh well...that's what you do when your cats old.

anyway because she's so old they will do a blood test first to see if she is healthy enough to have it operated on. i'll find out tomorrow....

keep your fingers crossed for the old gal...


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