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Saturday, August 26, 2006

rough week...

it was a rough lots of ways.

i had a massage today....often that makes emotions come out that i’ve been holding in....

but also....sometimes people say or do things that hurt others feelings. often not on purpose...but they do.

there seems to be a rash of that this week at work and otherwise. maybe there is something going on with the moon or something.
as most of you know i’m a sensitive person at times....and things effect me.

we had a whole lot of miss communication and mistakes at work. which made my job oh so much harder.

oh and chloe....i don’t think chloe is coming back. i’m pretty sure. i had a guy tell me yesterday how all sorts of cats have gotten out of people windows in the building....he made it sound like it was my fault. all i could think of was chloe either dead at the bottom of the hill or trying to fend for herself by the train tracks....neither of which makes me feel any better.

and then two other things happened.....things that i don’t what to write about....b/c i don’t what to hurt others feelings.......


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