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Monday, November 13, 2006

beers, mojitos and paper umbrellas

so i was roger last night in town...he’s had a pretty rainy visit....he says it’s best b/c if it wasn’t rainy he would be too sad to leave....well.....i’m going to be sad regardless ...rain or no rain.

we had a nice night. started off at steam works for beers and food with gosia and rebecca.

roger had a bit of a crush on the i took a picture for him

then those guys ditched us. we didn’t know where to go and gosia said they make great drinks at lolita's and it was on her way she dropped us off.

we were rockin out in the car on the way to lolita's....

when we got there...mishi, garbs, pam and toby were there finishing their night...i knew they were going there but thought they would be long gone. so that was awesome they were still there. i got to met pam and toby.....finally. after hearing so much about them and putting my feet up so many times on the coffee table they built for g. weird i meet them now. that probably says a lot.

anyway...they are a nice couple...i hope i meet them again. we had drinks with those guys and then they were on their way. roger and i stayed for a bit longer...until some really loud guys with too much testosterone and booze in them showed up...and we decided to call it a night.

roger and garbs....twins seperated at birth?

i felt a little sad afterwards.....gosia will take roger to the airport tomorrow....i won’t see him. we made plans to meet in the spring...either in london or berlin. i’ve never been to berlin and would love to meet there.

so until then roger.....

what a great friend you are.

more pics to come....


1 comment:

your favorite idiot said...

"weird i meet them now. that probably says a lot. "

what does that mean...? oh well...looks like you all had fun...good, i'm glad.

g. xo