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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

art anyone?

...or just the world's ugliest lamp!

ok...i saw this lamp in metrotown mall today and had to take a pic!! it's verging on being so hideous that it's appealing in a warped kind of way!

and now for something completely different....
what is artistic expression anyway....??

what make’s and not say...a craft or just a good idea? sometimes i think the world views things that women tend to practice more, as crafts...and ones that men are more likely to do, art. i could be wrong.

can an idea be art? isn’t design just a good idea? so does that mean design art....or just a way to make things look prettier? does it have to be good design to be art? most designers don’t execute their own ideas...they have employees. does that exclude them from being artists? andy warhol didn’t do alot of his own art.....
getting ideas out of your head and into the it the execution that is the art? or is an idea in itself art?

what about every day things like food...can they be elevated to the level of art? some people say yes. at what point do you descide....this is art. and who decides?!! hey...doe's anyone remember preformance art for the 80's?! looking back...was that really art?...hmmmm....

some art (maybe all) is just presenting the world back to the world...but with a different out look. that’s what found art and pop art are all about, really.....i find it interesting. seeing beauty where others may not. i actually think about it alot as i go about my day.

attempting to show others this beauty.... that was born out of the ugly or the mundane. telling it’s story. it’s a talent.

for me it’s just getting things out of my brain and body and out into the world. the form of expression isn’t that important. although different ones satisfy different needs. physical, mental, emotional....even spiritual, i guess. i’m not sure if it matters if you share it...but i think it’s nice. and i think needing to make money off of it can ruin the art. for sure, it changes it. when you stop thinking about your expression and instead are thinking of what people want. it has to change the out come.

....maybe that’s what makes art art. i don’t know.

i stole a little piece of this from...
thanks for the idea!


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