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Saturday, January 13, 2007

eye for an eye?

there are were two major news stories this week that i really should address. they have both been on my mind. and although i don’t want my blog to turn into a political forum.... i will address one now....

i haven't been following politics and world events much in the last 8 or 9 years. some of you i’m sure can guess why and when that happened. it’s just all too much sometimes and i needed a break from it.

i used to be really into it coming from a politically aware family where debating around the dinner table was often our entertainment. i do feel myself becoming interested again. maybe i am ready to have an interest in the world around me once more. baby steps though. i still don’t watch tv much, that includes the news. i read the paper about once a week...sometimes more sometimes less. i figure if it’s important i’ll hear about it and if i want to know more i look it up on the internet.

anyway i should get to the point

....saddam’s hanging.

i wanted to say something about it sooner...just didn’t know what to make of it. i saw most of the hanging on utube. i turned it off before the actual hanging. pretty horrifying that corporal punishment exists today. i don’t remember mum saying “two wrongs don’t make a right...except in the case of hanging dictator’s”. i must have missed that one...

i personally think he should have been allowed to live in his own personal hell...killing him was an easy out...and especially so quickly and before facing ALL his crimes.

i read this article in the straight that gave the whole thing an interesting spin.....check it out....

the other news is local and i may or may not address that another day...


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