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Thursday, June 21, 2007

nice art and psychic network strikes again...

today garn and garbs helped me by putting up some art. it looks nice...

thanks guys. they also were helping me with puppy proofing my place.... measured for plexi so puppy doesn’t fall off the loft area.

had a massage today and that pretty much wiped me i stopped by granville island to recover. it's been an emotional week and the massage seemed more intense than usual. actually something unusual happened during the massage. i have from time to time had odd experiences during massage.... usually they are visual "pictures" in my head. one time was a feeling that is hard to describe. anyway, this time was different. the massage therapist was working on my head and i felt and heard a person sit at the foot of the know that formilar squeak and the weight slightly moving a bed when it's sat upon. at first i thought i was the massage therapist...but then i realised she was working on my head. very odd. i had a similar experience on night when i lived in toronto. someone sitting on my bed...yet there was no one there. for some reason i feel like it was a man...don't know why. i just feel it. strange.

ok. now that some people think i'm mad...... ;)

i told my massage therapist about my new puppy and she is thinking of going by and looking to get one for herself. she had a small dog that died a few years back and has been thinking about getting another.

i ended up not going to started to rain a bit anyway.


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