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Friday, December 08, 2006

not quite 101 things to do when...

ok..i wasn't going to write anything today...b/c not much happened today or yesterday.

my knees still hurt a little so i didn’t dance....they don’t hurt when i dance..but thought i would take a break anyway. i will dance saturday and sunday for sure.

my job sucks at christmas..the malls are insane..the line ups, parking, driving....oh man! don't even get me started...people are insane. they are basically trying to do my job....but with no experience. not so easy is it!!??

anyway to pass the time i came up with not quite 101 things to do while waiting in traffic or in line at the mall....

catch up on sleep (top of the list of course)
file nails
try to figure out if person in front of you is a man or a woman
text friend about plans for the evening
review movie you saw last night ....start laughing out loud
figure out what to eat for lunch
listen to ipod...sing along badly
practice dance steps
mentally write blog
listen to couple fighting behind you
decide what to wear to xmas party
try and figure out what shoppers in store do for a living
put on lip gloss
pick at hangnails
study cleavage of sales does that top stay on?
try and spot other costume if you like them..pretend not to see them if you don't
make up story to tell sales person when you return 10 identical shirts... practice it in your head..also practice tearing up...just in case.
write email on blackberry
make christmas list
stretch...crack nuckles
decide on what food to serve at your xmas party and who to invite

opps...time to wake up...i'’m next! finally...."hi"...the girl with the cleavage say's..."gee your job must be exciting!" yep.



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