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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Adventures and vintage shopping in Seattle

I went to Seattle this weekend do some dancing to the Salamn Dauglas band.

We got to Seattle after the longest boarder crossing I'd seen in awhile.....Sunday afternoon. I dropped off Lucy and Leo, then called my host and long lost cousin...Brian Lynch. He's not really my cousin, but I call him that b/c Lynch is a family name of mine. Anyway... I couldn't get in touch w/ him. So I called other fellow swing dancers Ian and Becky.

It was an beautiful day and we decided to walk their puppies around green lake. It was nice. We went for dinner after which I still hadn't heard from Brian so jumped at the offer to stay w/ them instead.

Next it was off to dance at the century. The band was great and there was no shortage of a awesome leads to dance with.
unfortunately for them... Ian and Becky come down suddenly w/ a bad case of food poisoning... so I left pretty early in the AM.

Had fun driving around the city (getting a little lost) and vintage shopping. When do you know you may have bought too much?.... when they offer you a bulk discount!! I just can't get a lot of good vintage stuff in Vancouver!

Anyway... I'm actually writting this in the 74th street pub in Seattle. What an awesome pub this is. Wish there was one like it in vancouver... I'd be there all the time. It's a neighbourhood place with great food and beer and a relaxed atmosphere.

Ok...I must do a quick change in the pub bathroom then almost time to go dancing again..... Oh, but first I must go to the chocolate cafe for an esspesso and a treat.... How great is that?!

Ya know there are negative things about the US but I have to say, I feel comfortable here. Maybe from all that time in DC growing up I don't know....but if I had a job offer here I would jump on it in a second.

See you in back in Vancouver...some of you.


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