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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

characters in my play....

I often think of people in my life as characters in a play. They enter, they exit, than every now and again they come on for guest appearances. I often find it interesting when an old friend pops up out of the blue.

It happened to me twice this week. First at the hockey game i bumped into Gary. I knew Gary from Toronto. He moved to vancouver at the same time as me. We use to hang out. Sean and I played on his blind hockey team for a while. I don’t know what happened...why we stopped hanging out....anyway it was nice to see him. I got the impression he’s totally blind now, but he looks the same and doing well.

I rececieved a letter in the mail a few days ago...from Julie. Julie from Ottawa that moved to Austrailia...then moved back. It was great to hear from her. It sounds like her and Russ are doing well. Not sure where she is living somewhere near Ottawa called Carp...never heard of it. Anyway, they have two kids now Hayley (5) and Jed (8).

They say these things happen in threes, so...i wonder who i’m bump into next! Oh....unless... I'm a character in Kim’s play about to make my entrance...i will be seeing her next week in Paris, it will be about 18 years since i’ve seen her....I can’t wait for that.


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