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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

f___ yoga, I'm going swing dancing!

I got two stressful things off my plate today!

I signed the lease for my new place!! Now I can go on holidays and not have to worry about finding a place when I get back.

I settled my ICBC thingy today! It’s sounds way more exciting that is actually is. The lawyers made more than I did. There still might be a bit more to come, but basically I got a few weeks salary. It’s just going straight to the visa.

The thing I keep telling myself is...that car accident was one of the best things that has happened to me in a very long time. So if I lost a bit of money b/c of it...c’est la vie....(practising my french!)

It was the start of alot of things for me. It got me off a show I hated and was unhealthy. It started me on a walking and gym program that caused me to finally loose the extra weight I gained when pregnant....and It woke me up!! I think I was basically just existing at that point of my life...not living at all.

The best thing of all is it started me dancing!...that I am truly grateful for.

My doctor wanted me to take yoga or swim to help in my back’s recovery. So, I emailed Darren at 7th avenue dance studios for the class schedule. He emailed me back the the yoga info...and right at the bottom of the email it said..”we are also starting our swing dancing classes next week”. I thought to myself swing dancing...hmmm....that sounds way more fun than yoga!!!

...and that was it...odd how things can work out, when you let them.


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